Sometimes I realize were my inspiration has come from once I finished a fiber painting. For example this one:
Aujourd'hui il me rappel (après coup) l’histoire que je suis en train de lire "ERAGON" de Christopher Paolini. I know see that I was very inspired by the story I'm reading in the moment :"Inheritance Cycle " by Christopher Paolini.
Ma fascination pour ce monde imaginaire à certainement guidé mon esprit inconsciemment...
My fascination for this imaginary world guided my mind unconsciously...
Pour tous ceux qui aiment les mondes imaginaires je recommande vivement la triologie ERAGON!
For all those who love fantasy worlds I highly recommend the trilogy ERAGON!
Et pour ceux qui aime mon tableau - faut vite me contacter car il est unique !
And for those who love my fiber art painting I recommend to contact me quickly because it is unique !
Comme d'habitude il est réversible avec une touche "esquisse" :
As usual this one is also reversible (!)
magique comme d'hab!